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Of course you know tetris rules , now i'll tell why you need this game, i mean features of TBG tetris. What is TBG tetris?
This means that way of controling figures is same as by units in wargames . TBG-ness gives user full control of figures and all situation , it raise tetris as a puzzle game on new level and provides unexpected game modes.
This puzzle is not for novices!


All gameplay is made of turns . During a turn you can do one of follwing with mouse :
1) move figure downwards,leftwards,rightwards ,
2) rotate figure .
Notice that before made a turn figure will not move , you don't need any more to feverely find proper keys !!! So you can realise amazing combinations , never tetris was near to chess!

Game control

If you'll click on a break and it has not blue mark then figure will drop else figure will rotate . To move figure in right and left direction click on green trace and it will move exactly to that place. To move figure for some rows downwards click on red trace.


During game you'll always see well , next figure , info about game and exit button. Having clicked exit button you'll get into menu .
You will always be provided with following info: lines , speed , level , rotate mode , score and left figures .
If you've chosen game with limited number of figures you'll see ALL left figures , which you can look through by clicking buttons in right top of screen.


Before the game begin you can customize settings , otherwise you will use default. If you need to change settings then first know game mode : if it with limited number of figures or not .
If you need more advanced settings register game!
1) If you've chosen mode with limited number of figures you can customize number of figures .
If want number of figures to increase during game customize 'skill' menu item by setting number of figures you will get for each line .
2) If you have unlimited number of figures game mode, you will be able to see next possible figures ( from 1 to 4 ) .
If you'll select 1 it will be ordinary tetris. In addition , after registration you will be able to change height , width of well , also you will be able to toggle invisibility mode ( if it is on all dropped figures will be invisible ) , toggle level increase mode ( if it is on ).
Speed and level dependes of well size.

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